Saturday, August 2, 2014

Go BIG for breakfast!

 I have a hard time incorporating veggies into my breakfast because I am NOT an egg fan.  I like hard boiled egg whites with the yolks removed and that's about it.  Recently I've been buying egg whites and trying out scrambles.  This one was delicious!! It's packed with protein, veggies, healthy fats and healthy grains:) Hope you enjoy my #quinoaeggscramble 

-I used a tad bit of grape seed oil in the pan...added chopped sweet peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, red onion, spinach, and kalamata olives.  Once they were ready I added my quinoa black bean mixture I made at the start of the week, (recipe below).  Then I added egg whites (I just poured in until it covered my veggies).  Salt, pepper, hot sauce,and onion powder to taste.  I topped with avocado, 2 TBS, and served it on top of some arugula. 

Quinoa mixture: 
We buy organic red quinoa and follow the instructions.  However, I add a half a bouillon cube to the water.  Once finished, I added 1 can of black beans, rinsed and drained, herbs from my garden (parsley, oregano, chives, cilantro), salt, pepper, red wine vinegar to taste. 

Hope you enjoy! 

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