Monday, August 4, 2014

PiYo in the park

Tonight, with the help of my lovely friend and fellow group X instructor at 24 Hour Fitness, I hosted a PiYo in the Park fit club.  It was so fun!  If you're in Denver, you know Wash Park.  It's so beautiful there.  I really REALLY encourage all of you to make your own fit club/group workout for friends.  It's such a great way to stay accountable, hang out with pals, and get your workout in.  Bam!  What's better than that?  I love working out with buddies.  They push you, they encourage you, they challenge you (in a positive way).  Next time you're thinking of having a girls day, think about doing a group workout.  What's the worst thing that happens...?  A little sweat?  ;)  Get. It.  

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