Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My 3-Day Refresh journey

#PiYo Day one
  A couple of months ago, Beachbody, the company that produces P90X, Insanity, Turbo Kick, PiYo, etc..., released a 3-Day Refresh.  I was so excited!  They offer a 21 day cleanse, which I have had friends do and get amazing results from, but be it that I am a fitness instructor, I cannot afford to do those long cleanses because you're not supposed to do workouts while only taking in a min. amount of calories.  Duh.  SO...after a summer filled with family visits/vaca's, going out with friends after shows, date night deliciousness, etc... I am starting my journey to losing what I call my "happy couple weight" and my "vaca family weight".  Seriously!  I have around 15 pounds to drop.  UGH!  How does a fitness professional do that?! happens.  We are human.  I also had two significant injuries this year, causing me to not lift for 8 weeks in the spring.  That's huge!  Lifting is the BEST way to not only lose weight, but change your body.  When you lift you build muscle.  When you build muscle, you burn calories even when you're sleeping.  SO..add up the "happy couple/family vaca weight" and not lifting to two months and that equals 15 pounds!  Jealous?...don't be.  ;)  
  Now I start my journey to getting back to ME!  Yesterday I began the refresh.  So far, so good.  Can't wait to share my results!  Once the refresh is finished I'm going straight into PiYo program (with their meal plan) and also incorporating Body Pump both at home and in the gym.  My goal is to have all this gained weight off for my best friends wedding September 22nd.  I can do it!!  Hopefully, if you're looking to make a change and you're interested in some of these Beachbody programs, this will help you decide.  
Lunch:)  This was also served with a vanilla fresh shake with blueberries and strawberries.  Its was so yummy!  

Dinner!  Also served with a vanilla fresh shake with cinnamon:)  

Monday, August 4, 2014

PiYo in the park

Tonight, with the help of my lovely friend and fellow group X instructor at 24 Hour Fitness, I hosted a PiYo in the Park fit club.  It was so fun!  If you're in Denver, you know Wash Park.  It's so beautiful there.  I really REALLY encourage all of you to make your own fit club/group workout for friends.  It's such a great way to stay accountable, hang out with pals, and get your workout in.  Bam!  What's better than that?  I love working out with buddies.  They push you, they encourage you, they challenge you (in a positive way).  Next time you're thinking of having a girls day, think about doing a group workout.  What's the worst thing that happens...?  A little sweat?  ;)  Get. It.  

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday brunch deliciousness

Okay! Here is a semi-healthy...only thing not awesome is the fried egg...but it's still great for ya, breakfast.
I used one slice of Ezekiel toast, 1/4 of avocado chopped for each, arugula and turkey bacon.  I then fried the egg over easy and placed on top.  I topped it with some balsamic reduction.  I just put the balsamic vinegar in a sauce pan, no sugar, and brought to a boil...let it thicken and poured on top:) yumo!!! It's one of my favorite meals to make in the morning when we have time to sit and enjoy breakfast.  Hope you enjoy!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Go BIG for breakfast!

 I have a hard time incorporating veggies into my breakfast because I am NOT an egg fan.  I like hard boiled egg whites with the yolks removed and that's about it.  Recently I've been buying egg whites and trying out scrambles.  This one was delicious!! It's packed with protein, veggies, healthy fats and healthy grains:) Hope you enjoy my #quinoaeggscramble 

-I used a tad bit of grape seed oil in the pan...added chopped sweet peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, red onion, spinach, and kalamata olives.  Once they were ready I added my quinoa black bean mixture I made at the start of the week, (recipe below).  Then I added egg whites (I just poured in until it covered my veggies).  Salt, pepper, hot sauce,and onion powder to taste.  I topped with avocado, 2 TBS, and served it on top of some arugula. 

Quinoa mixture: 
We buy organic red quinoa and follow the instructions.  However, I add a half a bouillon cube to the water.  Once finished, I added 1 can of black beans, rinsed and drained, herbs from my garden (parsley, oregano, chives, cilantro), salt, pepper, red wine vinegar to taste. 

Hope you enjoy! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Margherita chicken pasta

This is a #cleaneating healthy alternative to pasta.  I love spaghetti squash. Hope you enjoy!

-grilled chicken 
-fresh basil
-kalamata olives
-1 roma tomato 
-1 tsp olive oil
-1/4 cup of spaghetti squash
-salt, pepper, garlic to taste

*for my grilled chicken, I always cook a big batch at the beginning of the week and chop it up ready to serve.  I simply use salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic. 

*for the spaghetti squash, I cut it in half, placed it on a cookie sheet and baked it at 400 degrees.  About 30 minutes...test it with a fork...if you can scrape it out easily and it looks like noodles, you good!

If you're doing the #PiYo meal  plan, this is one serving grains, 2 healthy fats, 1 protein, 1/2 veggies.  
If you're doing the  #21dayfix meal plan, it's 1/2 green, 1 red, 1 yellow, and one blue.  

Happy August!!

Treat your body physically this month! Take the "Beachbody Challenge" with your friends.  Challenge groups are a great way for you and your pals to get into great shape, good health, and keep each other accountable while having fun! Currently I'm in a PiYo challenge with a group of wonderful people, week two, and we are having such a great time, AND we are treating our bodies to health.   This month the fabulous company, Beachbody, has three challenge packs on sale.  Click link below picture for more details.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Avocado egg salad

Okay! In general I do not care much for eggs.  However, since they are such a great source of protein I try to make them delicious (duh) so I will eat them more.

*2 tablespoons of avocado
* 2 large hard boiled eggs, yolks removed
*1 slice turkey bacon, chopped
*1 slice Ezekiel bread, toasted
* handful of arugula 
* salt and pepper to taste

Take the egg whites, avocado and bacon and fork mash in a bowl.  Salt and pepper to tast...sometimes I add balsamic vinegar... Top toast with arugula, then egg mixture.  Serve with side of fruit.

**If you are currently following the PiYo meal plans, this would be 1 serving protein, 1 healthy fat, 1 secondary/grain, 1 serving fruit, 1/4 serving primary veggies..roughly

Watermelon basil salad

One of my favorite treats for dessert!
-diced watermelon
-handful on basil, chopped
-1 teaspoon of chili powder
- salt and pepper to taste

Simple and delicious.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Avocado Dressing

This is a great addition to grilled or baked chicken, steak, shrimp, salads, the possibilities are endless.  Enjoy!

  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • 1 jalapeno, diced
  • 1 Lime, squeezed
  • 1/2 Shallot
  • 1 TBS garlic, or 2 gloves
  • 1 Avocado
  • 1/2 cup rice wine vinegar
  • 1 TBS grape seed oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
In a food processor, combine the parsley, cilantro, jalapeno, shallot and garlic.  Then slowly add the lime juice, avocado, vinegar, oil, and salt and pepper to taste.  Enjoy!  

We topped ours over grilled shrimp on a cabbage salad.  Yumo!!  
-In good health

Baked Strawberry and Raisin Oatmeal Pie

Pardon the workout picture.  I'm currently in a Challenge Group for the workout program PiYo.  Here is the recipe.  Thank you to my sister, Heather, for the tip!  :)

Baked strawberry and raisin oatmeal pie: 1 1/2 cups oatmeal, I cup water (or almond milk, etc.), one cup of Strawberries, 1/4 cup raisins, tablespoon trivia, dash of salt. Bake at 325 for 15 minutes. Enjoy!!